Wet Felted Sauna Hat


Saturday, June 28th, 2025
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
*Sliding Scale Available
Tuition: $39 Materials: $20

Sliding Scale Pricing Available

This class will teach wet felting skills. Students can select from four hat styles, gnome, wizard, bucket or loopy sauna. The practice of wearing a hat in the sauna insulates and protects your head. A hat in the sauna will keep your head cool, making it possible to enjoy the hot and steamy benefits of the sauna on your body and soul.

A wet felted hat is not just for the sauna! A bucket hat, made slightly thinner than a sauna hat, works perfect under a mosquito head net. A cool evening around the campfire is a perfect time to wear your hat. Your wool hat also makes the perfect head cover for outdoor winter wear and hot tub activities!

The process of wet felting is very soothing. Roving is laid out on a resist pattern, warm soapy water is added and the gentle agitation begins. As the fibers begin to felt working the project becomes move vigorous. Each student will complete a wet felted hat.

About the Instructor: Shelly Tahija