Needle Felting with Vintage Zippers


Wednesday, June 5, 2024
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Tuition: $36  Materials: $15-$25 (Materials fee paid day-of based on participant choice)

*Sliding Scale Tuition

Join Bonnie as she guides you through creating a needle felted project with vintage zipper embellishments that can be framed, made into a wall hanging or stitched onto a purse.
You choose the colors, embellishments, and design, or feel free to use one of Bonnie’s designs.

Beginners are welcome as well as seasoned needle felters! Basic knowledge of hand stitching is helpful. 12 - 100 years of age!

Everything you need for class will be provided in a kit that is purchased in class. The kits for this class range from $15.00 - $25.00 depends on what they choose for a background, roving colors, and zipper embellishments. Please bring cash or check to class to cover the cost of a kit. 

About the Instructor: Bonnie Lundorff started Willow Wood Market, a quilt shop/fiber arts studio just south of Bemidji 27 years ago. She designs simple patterns for quilts, wool appliqué, rug hooking and needle felting and shares her passion for fiber arts by vending and teaching at quilt shows and fiber art festivals all across the upper Midwest. She and her husband Tim have three grown daughters, three sons in law and 5 beautiful grandkids.