Advanced Adobe Lightroom Classic (CANCELED)
Wednesday, August 21, 2024
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Tuition: $48 Materials: $10
This class is for any photographer who uses Adobe Lightroom Classic and wants to learn more. This is not an introductory class, this is a class for individuals who are familiar with basic adjustments in Lightroom Classic and want to learn advanced techniques.
This is a hands-on class. We will explore many advanced techniques in Lightroom Classic. Key topics include Adjustment Brushes, Radial Filter, Graduated Filter, advanced Masking Tools, Presets (both off-the-shelf and custom), Retouching, Lens Blur, AI driven Denoise and more.
Basic familiarity with Lightroom Classic is a prerequisite. Learning will be greatly enhanced if you are able to bring your computer with Lightroom Classic installed. There will be plenty of time for your questions. I’ll supply all students with a handout and a jump drive with images to work on
About the Instructor: Les Conrad is a local artist/photographer who focuses on the beauty of the natural world. Les says, “The night sky never ceases to amaze me. We are very lucky to live with some of the darkest night skies around!” Once retired, Les turned his lenses and attention toward nature, wildlife and landscapes, with particular attention to the night sky.