Back Road Grace Book Release


Wednesday, March 27, 2024
7:00 PM


 Join us to celebrate the publication of Back Road Grace, the new book by Ely writer Scott Stowell. Scott will read excerpts from his book, and share parts of his writing process and inspiration. Attending writers and/or songwriters will have the opportunity to share some of their own work in an open-mic style after Scott's presentation.


Beverages and snacks will be provided (or you can bring your own favorites) and copies of Back Road Grace will be available for sale. 

About the Book: 

Back Road Grace is a collection of essays, memoirs and short fiction about Northern culture, wilderness treasures and the character of the inhabitants in the Minnesota Arrowhead. Though many of the stories center around Ely, Minnesota, a chapter of Stowell's earlier years has been included to help readers connect some of the dots on his journey there.


The stories in Back Road Grace elicit thought, laughter and encouragement. Readers from distant locations will learn more about year-round life in a northern climate and the moxie it takes to thrive there. Local readers will already know the lifestyle, but perhaps better appreciate the life they're living and who they're with.


Stowell grew up in the suburbs of two very large cities. But then he gravitated north, attracted to populations that dwindled from town to town. As a result, he's benefited from big-city amenities and perspectives, plus those with a small-town approach. He's found that per capita, small-town residents know more fellow residents than city dwellers know their community members. He speaks to that in the introduction of Back Road Grace:

"Perhaps most engaging is our own species… I'm continually impressed with how small-town folks look after each other. Commonalities override differences and their character exudes depth and humor."



About the Author: 

As a freelance writer, Scott Stowell was a regular contributor to the “Outdoor Weekend” section of the Minneapolis Star Tribune. He is a former editor of the Ely Timberjay newspaper and host of the Morning Show on WELY radio. His writing, publishing and media background also includes work as a magazine editor, radio copywriter and television news field photographer. Some of his published pieces have received individual and collaborative awards from the Minnesota Newspaper Association.


Many of the stories in Back Road Grace have been broadcast on “Stay Human,” a literary program at public radio station KAXE/KBXE Northern Community Radio in Grand Rapids and Bemidji, Minnesota.


Though born and raised in two very large metropolitan areas, his parents made sure he had substantial exposure to the natural world. As a result, nature and writing became dominant interests in his life and he migrated northward. He and his wife, DyAnne Korda, live in Ely, Minnesota, with their Alaskan husky Mustang Sally.