Family Game Day


Family Game Day
Saturday, April 27, 2024
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Tuition: $15  Materials: $5
*Kids attend free with an adult

Let's get together this spring for some family fun: Board Game and Story Making! The Ely Folk School will be hosting a game day for parents and children. It’s straight forward, fun, and results in making group stories from playing handmade board games. Each group will have opportunities to make stories from the prompts directing players to the terrain and characters on the game board. Making and sharing stories is done in a way that fosters cooperation and imagination. The day is about working together and having fun. Our only mission on this day is To Have Fun! There will also be a snack break halfway through.

This class can accommodate 8 adults and 12 children.

All children must be accompanied by an adult. 

About the Instructor: John Kopp has had a 40 year career working with parents and children in developing positive ways to interact and replace behavioral challenges. After moving to Ely, MN almost four years ago, he became active in many groups. He is currently: a member of the area writers group, on the Friends of the Library Board, an instructor at the Ely Folk School, on the volunteer cleaning crew for the Folk School, a volunteer for taking water clarity readings on Fenske Lake, the loon monitor for Everett Lake, and is a member a local book club. His creative passion is to continue developing ways to teach parents to write with their children for their children. John’s children and grandchildren joke around about how envious they are of his getting to live here in Northern Minnesota, in the beauty of the trees and lakes. They love to come and visit. It would be John’s dream come true if they could relocate here at some point in their own family journeys.